Friday, October 1, 2010

Queen of Questions

I am the Queen of questioning. You can call me Your I have a problem questioning everything. I question "why things happen" and "why they don't".  I came to realize I'm questioning God. I know He understands because He made me, but I have to stop and listen for the answer if I'm ging to ask the question! I have an even worse habit of questioning myself and who I am. Well when I logged on to Facebook this morning..I saw a post I'd like to share..maybe I can learn not to question anymore.

You dont have to base your identity on what another person thinks about you. You are special because you are a child of God. Because He made you. Because He saved you. Because He loves you. It is your relationship with God that makes you what you are, who you are and enables you to be everything you can be.If you werent important to another soul in the world, you would still be special. Not because youre you but because you are HIS!

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