Thursday, April 28, 2011

And in Alabama..the world stood still...

4/27/2011...I am still speechless. An iconic town for the state of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, destroyed by an f5 tornado. I'm 28 years old and have never seen one...until yesterday. I watched as my dad's hometown was torn apart via the web. The college, the dorms, the hospital...nothing was untouched..nothing. It was as if the hand of some monster reached out of the sky and wiped a slate clean. I cried. The house my grandmother was born in..located in Moores Bridge..gone. Fear for friends and family clenching my heart...I finally heard from the last of them this morning and Praise God they are safe. It is not so for others as the death toll rises. Even the news casters seemed lost for words as the watched the destruction on screen.
Now its time to pick up the pieces..

If you are able..volunteer..if you arent..donate, food, clothes. Do what God expects us to do when disaster strikes..pull together!!

1 comment:

  1. Girl!!! This is GREAT!!!! I was nearly squalling my eyes out by the time I finished reading. Thank you for sharing your heart.
