Monday, July 19, 2010

An Undivided Heart

Desperation; Who holds your heart?
Lord, Give me an undivided heart.
This is my prayer
My wish.
My plea.

I suffer from the curse of a divided heart. Its almost like
having a split personality. I know my mind, but my heart is a mystery. I want to be unselfish and leap into the
abyss trusting the Lord to catch me. Yet, my heart, my always divided heart, questions. I have faith, but not enough. I love but not well enough. I'm  a good mom, just not good enough. The devil attacks and no matter how strong my mind resolves to be, my heart weakens and falters. I stumble and fall. 

I watched the sermon of my (hope to be) new church home by live feed Sunday. It was about truth to God and yourself. It was about having an Undivided Heart. God seemed to be speaking to me.  Psalm 51:6  " Surely You desire truth in the inner parts; You teach me wisdom in the inmost places." God wants me to be true to him on the inside and true to my that chamber of Truth, He will teach me the wisdom of an Undivided Hearts..

Psalm 86:11 " Teach me your way O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart that I may fear Your name.

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  1. It's always a leap of faith that begins the journey....

  2. I love you girl. The beginning is knowing your flesh and giving it over to God! I'm soo excited for you!
