Thursday, June 24, 2010

In this Life you need 3 things to suceed..a wish bone, a backbone and a funny bone

As I sit here...blogging..of course...I am surrounded by a whirlwind of chaos and noise. Its a wonder I can even think. :) I only have two children, twins, but they are like having mini tasmanian devils in the house. However, these children changed my life for the better. I was guided from the wrong road and lead to set my feet upon the solid rock. "Your word is like a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" Psalms 119: 105. Yet I still have doubts and all the worries that I have learned through other mothers actually do have( see its not just me! :) ) through a wonderful organization called MOPS - Mothers of Preschoolers. We recently held a Leadership summit and learned about what our worst fear was and also what our passion was...My fear was failure. I fear failing God, my children, myself, my family and friends and people in general. My Passion was Happiness...I long to be happy...happy with my life, myself, my relationships, my walk with God. I also discovered a longing or calling in my heart for humanitarian services...maybe one day. I will pray about it and maybe God will send me the answer. So this blog is about me trying to live with Simple Courage in the everyday. I will live with Passion and not be passive! We will see how it goes! :)

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