Friday, November 19, 2010

The last time.....

 As a new mom, I was fixated on my twins "firsts." Their first smile, first word, first steps, even first tooth were diligently recorded in the baby books and immortalized in picures. I took hundreds of pictures a day, positive that I wasn't missing anything!  I'd be suprised if my boys thought they had a camera for a mommy, as it was always in front of my face. I was determined to do things right and shoulder the burden of being both a mom and a dad. It was my fear to be lacking in anyway as a mom to these precious little minis that God gifted to me.

But as these little angels grew into rough and tumble boys I began to realize something....I was missing out on their "lasts" The last time they mispronounced their cousin Morgan's name. The last time they would sit in a highchair or eat baby food. The last time they would need my help to fix something to drink or help brush their teeth or tie their shoe. And as they grow more "lasts" will be paraded in front of my eyes. The last time they say "fridgefrater" instead of refridgerator....the last time they will hug without being embarrassed and with wild childlike abandon....The last time they need me to kiss a bobo to make it better...They last time they will need me to drive them anywhere because they can drive theirself. So I've started looking and noticing "lasts" Its hard to learn that I will have to let go of my babies one day. So I challenge you...Your childrens "firsts" are important, but don't neglect to notice their "lasts". And love..Love and treasure them with  everything you have...fill your heart with love.

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  1. This blog touched me and made me think of all the first and last I have missed while struggling to make a living....Not sure it was worth it.


  2. Without you..we would have never made it. Its not easy no matter which side of the fence you are standing on.
