Saturday, July 10, 2010

Seeking logic in the chambers of the heart is a fool's errand

Rendering of human brain.Image via Wikipedia
Which one leads you? Your head or your heart? Are you passionate or analytical? I for one am always analyzing, but that is because my heart and head hash it out quite often. There is no logic in emotional response. No matter what the relationship.

When it comes to my children my mind tends to shut down and pure emotion reigns. If my children are hurt or somebody is bullying momma tiger claws come out. I can't help it!It's purely instinctual. My children are my "cubs" and I am the overly protective lioness.

What about my other relationships? I am an emotional person. How my family and friends put up with me I will never know! I wish I could think more with my brain, but my heart tends to hold the reins in most situations.
Ive read some articles on emotions that I'd like to share.

The last article is my personal favorite. So after reading these articles..Do you lead with your head or heart?
You might be suprised at your answer! :)
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