Friday, June 25, 2010

Blueberries, Friends, Summertime, and Stinkbugs :)

Yesterday I went blueberry picking with two great friends. It was this great blueberry patch owned by an elderly lady. The blueberries were plump and juicy and the price was amazing..60 cents a pound. You won't find a price like that in any grocery store or even a farmers market! I can just imagine all the goodies that can be made out of these delicious berries.
The company was also fabulous...just us children. We laughed so hard that my jaws still hurt. It felt really good and freeing. Just imagine, uninterrupted "!!! Hey " :) Even though one of my friends thought it would be funny to flick "unworthy" berries at me and later on flicked a huge bug on me too, it was a blast. The humidty killed, I was soaked to the skin within minutes, but what else would you expect in Southern Alabama?
The stinkbugs were huge and stinky :) Of course!
Yet, despite the heat and bugs, this is one of the moments I will treasure the most. A truely perfect summer day,spent with wonderful friends, sweet treats and yes even the bugs. :)
Now whose gonna make some blueberry crisp?

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